Saturday, December 31, 2005

Highlight of 2005 Coral and Lola's 3rd Birthday

Click here to see a slide show of photographs taken at Coral and Lola's 3rd birthday party.

Hope next year brings more good times.
Anthony Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 30, 2005


Is there a way of changing the name of the image once it has been uploaded ?

Anthony - yes Rob, you need to:
1) go to
2) log in with the username and password (same as you used in picasa)
3) Click on the 'The Butterfield Family Blog' link on the blogs list in the Dashboard.
4) Next you will see a list of posts. Here you can add new posts and edit or delete old ones.
5) Once you have finished adding or editing a post click on 'Publish Post'
6) You must click on the 'Republish Entire Blog' for your changes to go live.

Plese note: don't delete anything your not sure of, and don't chanage the template from the templates tab as this will destroy the site.

I have already edited this message. You might find this method better then doing it through picasa.


Monday, December 19, 2005

Merry Christmas

This website is my Christmas present to the family. It is a central place to share, manage and store family photographs and news. I have spent many a good evening over the last month scanning old slides and photos. I hope you will also enjoy using the site and will start to add your own photographs.

Why did I make a family website?
After Nan (Beryl) sadly passed away, an enourmous box of slides and photographs came to be in my possesion. This box sat in my room until recently when I began to look through them and found some amazing photographs most of which I had never seen before. I started to think that instead of hiding them away again, it would be a nice for everyone to be able to look at them.

By coincidence my father (Nigel) then asked me if I could set up a message board for family and friends to keep in touch, share news and thoughts. So I have combined these two ideas to form the Butterfield family web site.

Who is this site for ?
Although it's called That's just a staring point. The family tree spreads wide over many families such as Horsfield, Toddman, Atkinson, Curry and Middleton to name a few. Anyone connected to our family tree should feel free to contribute their own photographs, news and comments.

You Can Contribute
  • Why not share the latest pictures you took on your digital camera or mobile phone?
  • Don't keep your slides and photographs fading away in old albums and boxes!
  • Do you have any news that would interest other family members?
With a 2GB limit a month on photo file uploads and unlimited web space there is no reason why you can't add your entire photo collection and share your latest news.

There are many easy ways to add your news and photography (including e-mailing, text messaging and bulk uploading), for details drop me an email at and I'll get you started.

Searchable Photo Albums
When you upload your photographs you can add tags (these are keywords called Meta Data) such as the year it was taken e.g. "1978" or the names of people in the photographs e.g. "John, Beryl, Trevor." The advantage of doing this is that you can then search for photographs with certain keywords. For example, I could search with the tag "Robert" and it would bring up all the photographs with him in. Alternatively I could search over multiple key words such as "1970" and "Wedding" which would bring up all of Nigel and Sarah's wedding photos.

Have a look here at the list of tags used on the photographs I have already uploaded. The larger the font size on the word, the more photographs it has linked to it.

I hope you enjoy using the site and I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your photographs too.

Merry Christmas

